Without measuring the effects of communication, it is impossible to manage communication and its outcomes!
Communication control model
It shows what we do, what and how we measure in each stage of the communication process
What we do at the beginning of the campaign?
Formative surveys ✔️
Planning ✔️
Material creation ✔️
Pre-testing ✔️
Production ✔️
What is being sent/distributed to target groups?
We measure
media exposure
(media monitoring) ✔️
Relaying of messages
Reach ✔️
What have target groups gained/taken from our communication?
Create awareness ✔️
Understand messages ✔️
Interest ✔️
Engagement ✔️
Preferences ✔️
Support ✔️
The result of our activities on target groups.
Communication impact
achieved ✔️
Change in attitudes✔️
Change in behavior ✔️
Impact on organisational targets.
Increase sales ✔️
Increase revenues ✔️
Cost cuts ✔️
Improve reputation ✔️
Evaluation must be done in all stages of the communication process so we could immediately see what we are doing wrong and what gets us the best results. The measurement matrix must therefore be applied to all stages of the communication process.
Metricom – a tool for monitoring and analysing communication on social networks.
Metricom tracks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, forums, portals and article comments in countries in the region (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, BH, Macedonia, Montenegro), and Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is optimised to search for content in local languages, providing quality and relevant results.
MediaNet is a member of the Newton Media Group, one of the strongest media monitoring forces in Europe. For more than 20 years, Newton Media has been recognized as one of Europe's most progressive and trusted partners in the media industry.